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Tag: Leadership

Hiring the right executive matters – but how much?

Whether it’s a decision on if to replace an incumbent, or choosing between two candidates with different comp expectations, we often get asked by clients “but how much is it be worth?”. In other words, what is the value of a ‘good enough’ executive team member versus a star performer. As a firm focused on

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Upgrading Executive Talent Management in Private Equity

The quality of a portfolio company’s management team is the main reason for private equity deal success and failure. So, in the fact-based world of private equity, why are so many talent decisions made based on ‘gut feel’? 360Leaders takes a look at the traditional approach the talent management in private equity, why it goes

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A lot of time, energy and money is spent on executive recruitment. Yet it all to often does not work out as planned. In this thought piece we explore how executive search traditionally works, why it goes wrong and set out 360Leaders’ next generation approach. The traditional approach to executive search Executive search is a

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